What's Even Better Than Reality TV? - Real Life!

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Recording Projects:
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Live From
My Living Room
Live In Concert
MTSU Sessions

Cool People ::
Great Places



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Music in Progress

Life in Progress








Music in progress:




Hot off the presses - "Know It All"
Lyrics by Randy Scott
Music by Kate Rockey Walsh



"dear john"
David's Practice Track

Listen Lyrics Inspiration The Harbour - MIDI Score
Just finished, 21 - Apr - 2005
Listen Lyrics Inspiration Mudpies - MIDI Score
Just finished, 15 - Feb - 2005
Listen Lyrics Inspiration Kari - New song... still not broken in yet... I hadn't recorded yet with Dad's old 12 string since I put a pick-up in it. Still learning the 12 track... Now I'm itching to go back and fix everything! And settle into this song more...
Listen Lyrics Inspiration

Grateful MIDI Score.

Listen Lyrics Inspiration

In The Waiting MIDI Score.

Listen Lyrics Inspiration

If... MIDI Score

Listen Lyrics Inspiration The King Is Coming MIDI Score

Love, Ruth
(learning my new 12 track digital recorder - piano, vocals, percussion. did you hear the sustain pedal at the begining before the piano starts?! I love that part...)

Jesus I Come
(striving to mic my piano better - solo piano. recent morning quiet time favorite hymn)

Oh Frail Heart of Mine
(more "mic the piano" exercises - solo piano. old song of mine... timely application. felt the need to pull it down off the shelf.)





Life In Progress:




What Does the Bible say about Parenting?? (09-23-21)

What Does the Bible say about Marriage? (09-23-21)




The Story of Odie
04-02-21  Today we morne deeply after the loss our most beloved Rooster "Cake". I think we need an LGD...


A Baby of Sorts...
Crisis of decision:
A.) get back off the interstate, back track, loop around to find a most likely, half smashed kitten, take it to an animal hospital, incur major vet bill... OR
B.) just keep going, get to work almost on time.

I said 'if it's alive, we need to go back! And we did.

Just Married!!
A lovely wedding, friends, family, and now married to the most wonderful man in the world... Who could ask for more? A reporter happend upon our wedding. Here's his story!

"Kate, will you marry me? Will you be my wife?"
wow... You've really meant what you've said...
You really mean this... This is really for real...

So this year, as I was home for Christmas
I discovered something that I didn't anticipate...

I met some really cool people tonight.
I thought I would be meeting someone to work with in music ministry of some sort. Maybe some recording, maybe performing.

Kate Rockey in Concert at Pacific Bay Coffee Co.
Her first West Coast public performance!

An update; Some long awaited good news
I've been here almost a year now.

"So how are things going out there in CA?..."
The hardest question in the world to answer!!

Trading Roots For Wings
Dear Diary, how did I get here? (The how and why of a cross-country move)

"I think you have MS"
The story of being diagnosed with MS and living to be blessed by it.


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All written and recorded material
Copyright 2014 Kate Rockey

For Technical help: webmaster@katerockey.com   |   Website designed by Kate

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