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Take Every thought Captive Because...

Every thought (comments, prayer requests, etc.) we SHARE, makes a statement about GOD. 
Has He been faithful, or do you feel forsaken??
I’ve shared both, how about you?
"The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormy Omartian begins w/ addressig the needs of the (often BROKEN) wife FIRST. Once satisfied in Christ, she is able to life her husband up to GOD for specifics.
Perspective is EVERYTHING. What’s feeding yours?

Every Day: God has been moving mountains for us.
PROMICES of GOD = Povision where there use to be a Problem.

Childhood: twice a year, I’d get a cold. Post nasal drip would become tonsillitis. 
Mom's Vitamin C remedy to the rescue! (Wonder Drug):

Her mom knew about hi dose vit, C. Nobel Prize winner: Linus Pauling (I googled him. good Guy!!)
Temp goes up, infection wiped out in 5 days. No drug issues!
Many today have health issues stemming back to being on drugs as a kid. Praise Jesus I don’t!
I still have my tonsils.

High school: 2 cough drops = headache. Why? high fructose corn syrup
SOOOOO - No hard candy, cough drops,  sodas or juice!
I grew up on UNsweet ice tea in frig always. Helps headaches! TY Jesus!

College: Gainfully employed from age 12, I knew financial hardship, thus REARFUL of finantial instability.
Fall 1992-96: Moved to Nashville, attended Belmont Univ School of Music.

  • Fairly financially independant at 19. Paid rent, utilities, car insurance, groceries, etc..
  • College - Meridees Breadbasket Franklin TN. :-)  - QUIT BREAD :-( 
  • Experienced first visual WEIRDNESSES (MS).
  • Weight / Apatite problems since age 11.

People think I have some crazy great motabolism, but I DON'T. The H.S. has just showed me a few things like...

  • Don't eat until 11am! Appetite controlled all day! (INTRODUCING: INTERMITTENT FASTING?!?!?)
  • Ignore popular nutrition unless you're COMMON.
  • Rather than eat- DRINK unsweet tea or coffee. Taste buds satisfied!
  • BREAD products (cookies, crackers, chips) & SWEET tasting things (even fruit) create CRAVINGS for MORE MORE MORE!

Career age:
1996: Came home (just in time for lil sisters wedding) to Tidewater w/ no degree.
1997: Receptionist job @ Integrity Online turns career. (Miraculous tie: Old small group friends of big bro in Nashville buy IOL franchise! Need a receptionist. GOD WINK!!!!
1999: Hired @ CBN Internet. Bought house alone @ age:27 ?!?!?!?
2001: MS Diagnosis. My sister Kelly Googled MS. 5 common paths. Half severe, half mild. A mild case might be marked w/ tons of lesions, but MINIMAL physical symotoms. THAT WAS ME!! The DRs looked so horrified while looking over all my MRI scans. They must have seen a ton of lesions! I was fairly calm, confident & rational, treasuring what my sister said. I believed that was gonna be true for me. TY Jesus!
No drugs of any kind were given because I WALKED IN ALONE (unassisted, no canes, no wheel chair).
In 2001 - MS drugs were very bad. They said "don't start MS drugs until you cant live w/o them''. I said OK! -Went home, thought long & hard, prayed, started popping the Vit C. Mom's vitamin C remedy helped! After 2 months of severe numbness on my entire left side (I'm left handed!) - 3 days of vit C cleared up 70% of the numbness!

5:am, I continued walking my dog(s) 2 miles every morning before work. I felt no need to see a doctor for anything for 16 years after my diagnosis. The following nutritional information got me into fairly great shape. Hope was strong.

Nutritionist Sandy Hunt invited me over
& gave me her "Talk"

1: DETOX-WHAT is toxic 2 U? (Diet, drugs, environment)
- FEED the DEFENCE SYSTEM that God made for you!

  • READ ALL INGREDIENTS!! If there is anything you can't pronounce, DON'T EAT IT.
  • Drink only 100% Juice.
  • She recommended, then I was given a copy of Prescription For Nutritional Healing.
  • Organic foods might be necessary.
  • Grass fed meats might also be necessary. All is available @ FOODLION!
  • what do you digest well? What revs upyour motabolism?
  • What slows or kills your motabolism? What does NOT digest well?

Health & Beauty products
Cleaning supplies
Environment toxins??

Today I take lots of suppliments! It all began in 2001 w/ the above big book. I read what it had to say about M.S..: Take 4-6GRAMS Vit-C daily. After starting, I don't get colds twice a year anymore!?!? I can even hug sick people w/o fear.

IDENTIFY (PRAY ABOUT, ASK GOD) what must go, what can stay. The H.S. will lead your GUT. What do have peace about? What do you have NO peace about?!?! The BEST DOCTOR in the world can not answer this for you.
Who can share a testimony?!?

Roots for Wings:
2003-05: God opened a window. I was compelled to Move to Walnut Creek CA for possable Church Music position. After 6 months, my 2 big dogs joined me.
2004: Hired @ Sibelius USA answering T.S, calls.
2005: Moved back to Tidewater. Interviewed by, hired by, then Married Michael J. Walsh 12-31-05
2009: We moved into our currant home after 4 years of construction... that's still on-going.
2010: Ridley was born 02-19-20.
2013: I recorded 3 albums in basement.
2016: Flynn born 01-15-2016. Fatigue bacame a problem. Was the issue Sleep deprevation? Old age? or M.S.? Michael booked us a Fam trip to Duke Univ who planted fear in the heart of Michael who now believes I must be on MS drugs to keep it under control?!? I start taking pills.

At Flynn's 9mo well baby visit, Dr. Cicero explained that Flynn did not need to eat 4 times during every night, any more than Dr. Cicero needed chocolate cake at night. A week later, Flynn was weened off nightime feedings, and my health was fairly restored!

Never w/o HOPE that I could get better.

Dec 2018: had to stop walking dogs. Falling too much... ballance failing. No pain. Desperate for balance to be healed dietarily. 

2019: Curbside Pickup became available for weekly grocery orders. I've not shopped since.
2020: I test positive for Lyme disease and take 3 antibiotics daily for a year. No noticable change.
Started New MS drug: Ocrevus. I feel neither better nor worse. Praise Jesus. I will submit to my husband. Nutrition is best defense. 

DESPERATE for my balance to be healed, I research more...

A small TRIBE is forming
Took a closer look @ Dr Terry Wahls (TED Talk: The Wahls Protocol.
Doctors & Nutritionists alike are simply NOT trained in medical school about what NUTRIENTS cells NEED to function properly!?!

Institute of Functional Medicine

Dr Terry Wahls (TED Talk: The Wahls Protocol
My VITAMIN SUPPLIMENTS: Morning & mid day | Evening

Dr Casey Means “A small TRIBE is forming”!!!

Dr Ken Berry:
Drinking Dairy (Good, Bad and Delicious)
Arthritis: Is your diet causing it? Or making it worse?

Dr Eric Berg:
Autophagy Explained
Autophagy short

Herbs seem to ALL have medicinal value!?!?!
Dr Nicole Apelian!

Dr Gretchen Howley PT MSC 
The MSing Link- community
  Do what's HARD. call it exercise.
God has made even Broken Neural Pathways - ABLE TO HEAL so long as you place the DEMAND on what’s not working... IE: EMBRACE THE TRIAL.

 Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”


 Heat has ALWAYS been my kryptonite. The challenge continues.



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